It Takes A Village To Support A Community

Our Story
In the simplest explanation, The Village is about bringing together a group of people who really care about others and want to do their part in giving back to our amazing community.
Through volunteer work we've done with different organizations over the years, we have learned that something really special happens when you give. It’s interesting, whenever we feel a lack of something in life, if we put time into volunteering or contribute to a cause that is close to our hearts, whatever was lacking seems to come back tenfold. There is truly a power in giving back to others and that is something that we want to share on a larger scale.
Now let’s talk about the logistics
and how we foresee
the village coming to life.
Membership info:
The Village is a membership based organization. It is $250/semiannually or $500 annually to join. Your membership is 100% tax deductible and will be paid to our nonprofit partner Finding Sophia. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes.

How your donations will be used:
Each quarter we will hold a Village event at a locally owned business. It will be a fun night spending time with other members and meeting new friends. At the end of the night we will vote on the nonprofit that we will be supporting for that quarter. For every member, $100 is donated directly to the nonprofit we choose each meeting. The more members we have the larger our contribution.
We have so many nonprofits in Santa Cruz and the goal of The Village is to support them in the following ways:
As a new nonprofit with a limited marketing budget it is hard to get your name out there. Through the Village, every member has the opportunity to nominate a non-profit that means something special to them.
Each quarter, we will pick 3 nonprofits from the nominations. Our team will go out to the 3 nonprofits and work with them to create a professional quality marketing video that highlights their organization. These videos will be played at our quarterly events and then we will vote to determine which one gets the donation that quarter. We will provide each nonprofit with their videos completely free of charge so that they can use it on all of their marketing channels.
The amount that we donate will be dependent on the size of our membership base. It’s a lofty goal, but we would love to see the Village grow to a membership of 100 people so that we can donate $10,000 each quarter to a local nonprofit.